I am a writer who grew up teaching kids how to write essays and stories. Writers grow up, we don't just learn, we develop. Being a teacher was a tremendous benefit to my imagination and creativity. Child imagination is like no other and by the time they got to me in the intermediate level of 4-8, they still had it in them. We created all kinds of scenes—with every story a play.
What I love most about coaching Writing and Reading at any level from grade school to college, and beyond, to individuals at any stage of their lives, is seeing the satisfaction writing produces on the writer. I feel the same satisfaction when I write my novels and screenplays. When you hire a Writing & Reading Coach make sure they write and teach.
It is arguable whether my book Utopia, soon to be published as Utopia 101, the next book of the series, (Utopia: Hybrid being the first), qualifies for the magical realism bravado elements of supernatural, political criticism, nonlinearity, and realism. Utopia may also be considered science fiction because it creates a future Earth in the deepest part of the Amazon Basin, almost a different planet.
Edited and republished a few times, by me, a no no, I suppose in literary circles, or is it? This story has transformed from short story to short films, pilot screenplay and novel series. Editing articles on Grammarly another way I learned the trick of writing.
I define myself closer to Magical Realism but that is questionable because the stories I write, all of them, are not just nonlinear, time is up and down the scale from no beginning and no end, there is social critique, and and I treatise supernatural as real.
However, my vision as a Magical Realism writer is Visionary. As T.A. Terga founder of TAT Productions, I invite you to work for Peace along with me or in any way you can. It starts with each one of us reaching out. Peace that is. The US Institute of Peace hosts events and has so called experts on peace matters per region. Let's wish peace workers success. download the World Peace Index here. https://www.visionofhumanity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/GPI-2021-web-1.pdf
Really, what abut the manufacture, marketing, and sales of War?

Sci-fi works like my self-published and self-edited book, Utopia, will make you question what the increasing chances of a nuclear apocalypse are and the need to address this threat on a daily basis. As this World Peace article claims: The World is more than dangerous. Not to be the bearer of unpleasantries, but if you have ever felt like you are walking across a landmine, guess what? You are. We all are. That’s a fact of life most people can figure out before the age of 15.
And by then, the bad guys will have been identified and justification found. The pictures planted in our head even before out birth play out as we journey through our time on this dimension.
Will War then, continue on and on along with innumerable natural disasters that beget the world. Sounds like the Apocalypse, right?
How likely are we to survive a million megaton of TNT ? To put it into perspective, a 2017 article in the tech site Alphr, quotes a study which concluded that: “With “just” 100 Hiroshima-sized bombs, 20 million would immediately die, five million tons of smoke would hit the stratosphere, and we’d enter nuclear winter. Global temperatures drop and agriculture would struggle causing famine and yet more deaths. A 2012 study projected that a 100-bomb nuclear war would cause two billion people to starve.”
Whether fission, fusion, or a combination of both, atomic or hydrogen, a nuclear apocalypse looms forebodingly over our present and future. Just imagine for a second being one of the survivors of the ecocide. What would the next chapter of human society look like? What would you propose we can do differently next time around? Utopia is a book written by a former teacher who saw the need to change the narrative of the hero of a thousand masks, to that of the hero within, unmasked. Yes, we follow the leader and worship idols, but once we become aware of that fallacy we can overcome duality.
Could there be a world without black and white, right or wrong, good or bad? Truth, Wisdom, and above all, Compassion, the works of the One which abides in All, in Each of US. Individually, we are the universal consciousness which acts on these principles. HOW LIKELY is a nuclear apocalypse? What will happen to life on earth if kilotons and megatons of TNT are released into the atmosphere? What about a new societal order based on Peace? Haven’t we had enough examples of how we CAN NOT expect to create peace with war? Who are we kidding? Not kids for sure. They know! Give Peace a chance!